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Academic Coaching

Courses Which Offer Peer Tutoring

Core Courses
CBIO 101
CENG 201
CHIST 201; 202
CMTH 101
CTHL 101; CTHL 200
Subject Courses
ACT 211; 212; 311
ANT 210
BIO 111; 246; 247
BUS 261
CHE 101; 221; 222
CSC 104; 212; 314
ENGR 210
FIN 331
MTH 271; 272
MUS 201; 202; 211; 212; 303; 306; 323
PSY 345; 361
SOC 320
THL 202

Schedule an appointment with an academic coach for these courses on WCOnline.

If you don’t see the class for which you’d like tutoring, email the director of tutoring at [email protected] or the Tutoring Coordinator at [email protected]. Tutoring Services will do our best to connect you with someone in that subject area.

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